Sunday, January 16, 2011

time travel part 2..... THE FUTURE, is it written????

Hello folks,

So did you happen to read my previous post???? Below is the link, please read it if you haven't...

Alright, so before I talk about the energy equation, I will talk about going into the future & before that there is one more thing which makes me believe that traveling to past is not possible, it is actually just a extension of my 1st point, but will help you understand better that why would traveling into past must not be possible.

It is said that Cockroaches came to India from America in a ship, that came to India from America. Well i wouldn't dwell into validity of that, but what I wish to point is that, if traveling into past becomes possible and the time traveler carries some deadly disease to the past for which the past might not have a cure, it could lead to extinction of mankind way back in past, which would mean that there wouldn't be any future where a time machine would be built, which wouldn't result in anyone coming back to plant that disease, so that makes a impossible equation. I hope I got my point across.

OK. Now lets think about travelling into the future. Now lets ponder over the thought that would future travel be possible, or could future travel result in some catastrophe like traveling into past, that we just discussed.

When we are discussing below, please keep in mind that even if travel to future was possible, it would mean if a person went into future, he would be stuck there. Why? because traveling back to the past would not be possible because of the reasons explained above. What needs to be understood is that, Past, Present & Future are just relative trames, relative to the time now. For example 2011 was future for us when we were in 2010. It is now our present and next year it would be our past. So once a traveler goes to future, it then becomes his present & he cant go back to the past(relative to time he would then be in).

1. Would traveling into future be possible???

- I don't really see any benefits & possibilities of doing it, but then im no big visionary after all. So I would like you people to explore the possibilities if we are able to go to our future. But understand, its a one-way trip, you cant come back!!!! If you go into future you stay there and you cant come back. Well now when I was typing it, I just came with a brilliant use of it..... I could just send some people to future(you know the people I dont like).... Legally speaking I wouldn't be killing them.... Muhaha :)

a. So could traveling into future, result in a catastrophe???? I don't really think so. Every second, actually every nano-second, we are all going into the future, that's how the world works!!! It is just that a time-traveller might go into the future faster than the rest of us. Even if he carries a disease or anything into the future, the future must have already seen it and would have a remedy for it. Even if the future doesn't have a remedy for it, it wont be able to spread its ill-effects into present(past relative to the then future)... Traveling into future can lead to catastrophic effects, but that would not be breaking the laws of nature. Well the kind of weapons the human-kind possess now, it can lead to a catastrophe now. I believe, right this second, if all nuclear weapons possessed by all the nations in this world are deployed it can burn out every living thing on the land. So if there is catastrophe it would be because of the actions of us, the humans, but not because the fabric of space and time would be jumbled up.

So as per the above, travelling into future might be possible. I just came up with a use of future travel. It is widely said according to mayan calendar that 25-dec-2012 is the doom day for this earth & as per Hindu mythology books, the dooms day is after about 65000 years from now. Based on these studies and assumptions we can send various time travelers to travel through time and keep traveling into the future till they go past dooms day. So that would stop the human race and lots of other animals that we choose to take on travel with us to stop from extinction. Ya I see a possible use now, but this might also not hold good. Why? read on...

b. So what about the theory of conservation of energy???? How would the theory of conservation of energy hold good????

- Before you go any further, if you believe that travelling into future was possible, then what you are emphasizing is that future is already written by god/nature. Now we humans before taking a decision do a lot of thinking, in other ways do a lot of permutations & combinations to decide what we would do, and it just not our thinking/decisions that effect us but each and every living being's(not just humans) thinking which in some way, small or big effects our life. So by believing that traveling into future would be possible what you are believing that god/nature has done such a huge calculation(let me tell you that never & i mean never ever would mankind be able to build such a super computer to do such a calculation) and is actually controlling not only our actions but even our thoughts & feelings. Not the actions, thoughts & feelings of just you & me but of all the living beings on this earth. Actually if you believe that traveling into future would be possible, you are believing that god/nature is not controlling us but has actually made a parallel world already, where our next action is stored as a snap-shot and just as the time axis moves forward we go to the next snap-shot/image. Which means we are just a 3D, actually 4D movie for god. Now is that what you think???

Above is the answer for the law of conservation of energy. That is, when the world/universe was created, it wasn't just one world or universe, but a set of parallel universes were created till inifinity. A snapshot of universe for every second. Which would just mean that we are just a 4D movie. So now the theory of conversation of energy holds good. cos, all the energy was created back then.

By believing above, it would emphasise that all actions of every living being would be meaning less, because it was already decided by the nature/god that it was to happen so. It would be meaningless to give credit to Einstein for his discoveries because it was not his brain but the choice of nature. It would be meaningless to praise the heros in our lives, cos they didn't do anything on their own will, they were chosen by nature. It would be meaningless to punish someone for their crime, cos the person did not do it because he wanted, but he did because he did not have a choice, it was the nature which did it all. All actions, especially of mankind would become meaningless!!! It would all be god's will.

So in case if man-kind ever makes a machine to go into future, it would not be him, but the nature. There is one scenario in which traveling into future would be possible, without the above mentioned snap-shot thing, will discuss it in the next post....

Till then happy timing!!!


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